Shauna Sand is trying to block the release of a hardcore sex tape
she made but says wasn't supposed to be released.
The former Playboy model admitted that the video does exist and that
Vivid Entertainment, which acquired the video via a third party,
has no right to distribute it.
She said she would fight the Oct. 19 release of the DVD.
Vivid.com, however, has already launched a page with clips of Sand
and an unidentified man in action.

The 38-year-old mother of three also said she has "in fact" made "several sex tapes"
over the years.
And what about those kids?
Worried that her ex-husband and father of her girls, Lorenzo Lamas,
would be furious over her raunchy video romp, Sand had to do some damage control.
She calmed Lamas down and made him sign a piece of paper that read:
"I, Lorenzo Lamas, will not seek custody of my minor children with Shauna Sand.
Even in the event of a release of a sex tape with her and her boyfriend.".
And now Shayne Lamas, Sand's former step-daughter, is slamming the blond
for what she claims is a calculated move.
"Isn't that convenient that her tape just happened to be leaked the day
after my show premiered," she said, referring to her family's
new E! reality show, "Leave it to Lamas."
"I just feel bad for my little sisters."

"Shauna Sand Exposed" preview
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